What is bypass Fat?

Lactating cows naturally have limitations with feed intake, particularly with dry matter feed. As a result, a dairy cow’s digestibility is reduced with increased feed intake (Tyrell and Moe, 1975).

This reduces the energy value of any given diet as the feed intake increases. This is particularly important in milk producing cows, where it is uncommon for feed intake to exceed 4 times the maintenance level. The decline rate in digestibility with level of feeding has been proven to be related to the digestibility of the diet at the maintenance level (Wagner& Loosli, 1967).

To be profitable from dairy farm operations, maximising the energy intake of dairy cows while minimising the negative energy balance is imperative.

In order to achieve this, fat supplements must be introduced into the ruminant’s diet. Through this, energy density of the diet is increased (fat contains 2.25 times the energy carbohydrates (McDonald et al., 2010)).

Saturated fats, more commonly known as rumen bypass, are powered fats. When derived from plant based sources, these products are the most reliable source of fat due to the lack of toxicity to the rumen bacteria. Additionally, plant-based rumen bypass products do not interfere with fibre digestion. Unlike hydrogenation, which imposes several health risks on animals, Rumifat is produced under fractionation.

Rumifat, produced in the form of a powder is a fat with a high concentration of plamitic  acid. This means it will only dissociate when it reaches the abomasum, which then transforms into fatty acids.


Fats are an organic compound made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Belonging to a group known as lipids, fats come in both liquid and solid formats. All fats are a combination of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Lipids are a source of essential fatty acids that are crucial to the maintenance and integrity of the cellular membrane that is required for optimal lipid transportation. It also serves as precursors of the prostaglandin hormones. Lipids are an important source of metabolic energy (ATP), and in fact, lipids are the most energy rich class of nutrients


  • To increase efficiency of energy utilization for milk production.
  • Increase energy intake when dry matter intake is limited.


They are naturally occurring fats and oils composed of mixed triglycerides; glycerol is esterified with different types of fatty acids.


Also known as a paunch, it forms the larger part of reticulorumen, which is the 1st chamber in the alimentary canal of ruminant animals. It serves as a primary site for microbial fermentation of ingested feed.